
Welcome! If you’ve ever played a multiplayer online game, chances are you’ve heard of “boosting.” But, what does this mean in the world of League of Legends? Let’s delve into it!

What is League Boosting?

Understanding the Concept of Boosting

In essence, League boosting refers to a service where a more experienced player logs into another player’s account (with their permission) to help them rank up and get to a higher level in the game.

Why Players Opt for Boosting Services?

Ever felt stuck in a rank? Or maybe you just want the bragging rights that come with a higher rank? These are just a couple of reasons why people opt for boosting services.

Types of League Boosting

Solo Boosting

This type involves the booster logging into the customer’s account and playing the games on their behalf.

Duo Boosting

Here, the booster and the customer play together in the same team to rank up.

Placement Boosting

This service is for players who want to start their season off with a bang. Boosters will play your placement matches to ensure a top rank.

The Pros and Cons of League Boosting


Boosting can quickly help players reach their desired rank. It also allows them to learn by watching experienced players.


However, boosting can lead to imbalance in the game. Also, there’s the risk of account theft when sharing account details.

Is League Boosting Legal?

League boosting isn’t illegal in the traditional sense, but it’s generally frowned upon by game developers and can lead to penalties, including bans.

How to Choose a Reliable Boosting Service

Credentials to Check

Check out reviews and customer testimonials before choosing a service. Also, ensure they have secure measures for your account safety.

Tips for Secure Transactions

Always ensure that the payment methods offered are secure and encrypted.

Impact of Boosting on the Gaming Community

Boosting can create an unfair environment and can lead to frustration among players who are progressing through genuine means.

Ethical Considerations

While it’s tempting to get a quick rank boost, it’s worth considering the fairness of this approach. After all, games are meant to be won through skill and strategy.


League boosting is a controversial topic with both advocates and detractors. While it does offer a quick way to rank up, it’s essential to remember the risks involved and the impact on the gaming community.